vitamagic® Magnesium Oil

vitamagic® Magnesium products are available at selected health and beauty stores in Germany.

vitamagic® Magnesium Oil 100ml

vitamagic® Magnesium Oil 100ml Spray Bottle

vitamagic® Magnesium Oil is a totally natural product, free from any additives. It is applied directly to the skin and massaged in. This highly saturated magnesium chloride and water solution has an oily feel but is not actually an oil at all. The magnesium chloride concentration is around 30%. 1 ml Magnesium Oil contains approx. 100 mg pure magnesium.

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vitamagic® Magnesium Oil 1000ml

vitamagic® Magnesium Oil 1000ml with 100ml Spray Bottle

vitamagic® Magnesium Oil 1000 ml with the 100 ml spray bottle is an affordable alternative option for refilling your Magnesium Oil or preparing your own dilution from the concentrated Zechstein saline solution. This is particularly beneficial for first-time users, who can prepare lower concentrations in order to allow their skin to gradually become accustomed to the high magnesium content in the original solution.

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